Caroler's Blog
It was a fantastic day today. Started off by watching my great niece, Alysha, perform her first competitive solo dance performance. I was very proud of her and her performance. Then I went to the Art Guild of Scarborough Spring Show (details below) where I was presented with an award for my painting "Trilliums of Trail's End" gouache Then a good friend, Pat Vicari, purchased the painting. It was also wonderful to see so many friends and members from the Don Valley Art Club showing up at the show. From there I went with my friends Patty and Linda to see the musical "Rock of Ages" at the Sony Centre. A very lively and uplifting show. After the show, we went across the road to Fran's for supper
3/24/2013 11:58:41 am
Thanks Barbara. It's funny you saying I rock as the theme for the Art show was the Art Guild ROCKS and we brought in painted rocks for a display table. In the afternoon I went out with some friends to see the musical -Rock of Ages. Definitely a ROCKY weekend. LOL
Raman Mistry
3/28/2013 12:15:08 am
Congratulation, all the best in future.
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