Caroler's Blog
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Fellow artist shown in images have permission to save a copy for themselves. Caroler
Recent portraits3/27/2013 These are a few of my recent portraits completed either Tuesday evenings from models at the Don Valley Art Club (approx 2 1/2 hours) or Sunday afternoons (25 minute poses of fellow artists),
I am now accepting commissions again to paint portraits. If you are interested in getting your portrait done, either quick study (as sampled below) or detailed finished portraits, from photos or preferably live modelling sessions, any medium and various styles available. Please see - Galleries/ Portraits section of website for more samples. - please contact me at - [email protected] to discuss details. Thanks for your interest. ![]() It was a fantastic day today. Started off by watching my great niece, Alysha, perform her first competitive solo dance performance. I was very proud of her and her performance. Then I went to the Art Guild of Scarborough Spring Show (details below) where I was presented with an award for my painting "Trilliums of Trail's End" gouache Then a good friend, Pat Vicari, purchased the painting. It was also wonderful to see so many friends and members from the Don Valley Art Club showing up at the show. From there I went with my friends Patty and Linda to see the musical "Rock of Ages" at the Sony Centre. A very lively and uplifting show. After the show, we went across the road to Fran's for supper This is a painting I just completed of the sun starting to set. A view from the West side of Wolfe Island. (by Kingston, ON), While driving along a sideline road, we came across a coyote walking through field, leading us to this beautiful spot. I loved the reflections of light on the ice patches between the snow.
Gouache ~ 16 x 20" Carole RobitailleCAROLER'S ART DIARY Categories