Caroler's Blog
"Short Fence" - oil pastels 11 x1410/28/2013 Great ideas for Christmas gifts and Halloween. I have been decorating wooden and paper boxes with new and vintage buttons, bling, butterflies to form original bouquets. My mother has been a button collector for many years and has allowed be to take some for use in my boxes. Most are wooden boxes that are painted and decorated. Most are tea boxes or jewelry boxes that can be used for many different things. All are for sale - pricing ranging from $25 to $45 Cdn each.
Weather permitting, I plan to sell my boxes and some of my jewelry at a Yard/Craft Sale on Hickory St. North, Whitby on Saturday, Oct 26th. Sale starts at 9:00am. Hope to see you there if it doesn't rain. OR YOU CAN CONTACT ME TO BUY DIRECT ON LINE. [email protected] Along Bloomington Road, West of Goodwood, ON10/12/2013 I spent the day with Pat Vicari painting the countryside east of Markham Road, along Bloomingdale Road. We stopped at a home and got permission to park along the road to take on this view. We were both drawn to the large furrows highlighting the hilly landscape. The pond to the left held at least 50 Canada Geese. The company. the view and the weather were great. Wonderful day of painting. I attended a beautiful wedding last Saturday. The ceremony was held on top of the Blue Mountain. It was a chilly day but it turned sunny and bright in time for the ceremony. To see moe pictures of the wedding please see = Mendes wedding
Carole RobitailleCAROLER'S ART DIARY Categories