Caroler's Blog
I attended an event by the Ajax Pickering Board of called "I Am... A Woman in Business.
If was held at the Lake House Event Centre, 600 Liverpool Road, Pickering. Beautiful venue with a great view of the bay. The talks were given by some very dynamic, accomplished, insightful and entertaining women. Lots of great information, insights, and inspirations to encourage all in attendance. I met a lot of very interesting and wonderful ladies and received a lot of encouraging words and thought provoking ideas to help me move forward. For me the extra great bonus was that my table seat provided me the best view of the speakers. While taking notes, I was also able to do a quick rough sketch of the speakers. Portraits are not mostly accurate but quick, rough impressions of the ladies along with quick notes. Names and also URL (when I have available) has been added to each sketch.
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